Recently, Lake Health/University Hospitals Seidman Cancer Center had the opportunity of hosting a Survivorship meeting for those who have battled through Cancer. During this meeting we asked if there were any patients interested in giving back to the LH/UHSCC community. A current patient, E. J. said that when she finished her treatments there should be strobe lights and Gloria Gaynor singing. When she walked out she felt that there had to be recognition for completion of treatments. E.J. then proposed the idea of a bell that patients could ring to celebrate.

Executive Director, Julie Moran loved the idea and encouraged her to think about the wording that we would place on the plaque. We left the meeting feeling encouraged and excited about our plan. EJ followed up and brought in pictures of the bell and ideas for the words on the plaque. As E.J. and Julie continued to talk, a decision was made that the center would match her offer and purchased a bell for the Radiation patients who are on the other side of the cancer center. Once the bells arrived, E.J. was notified and the bell was placed on the wall exiting Medical Oncology which was the location that was mutually agreed upon during the brainstorming session. We are deeply grateful for our patient’s ideas, courage and contribution.